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Stop giving away your hard earned profits to your credit card processor, and keep the money you earn.

No Minimum Charges

No Monthly Payments

No Transaction Fees

How FREE SWIPES Actually Works

The customer pays the fee.

The way this works is that the customer pays a small service fee (4%) when using their credit card which FREESWIPES uses to cover all transaction and support costs. You the merchant will get the full transaction for every sale and at the end of the month there are no fees or bills. Its as simple as that.

What Types of Businesses are using FREE SWIPES?

Gas Stations

Gas stations have long allowed price discounts to customers who pay in cash rather than with credit cards – just to avoid processing fees. This pass-along discount practice operates on the same basis as our Free Swipes. With our program, your credit card processing fees can be transferred to your credit customers just like the gas stations do it.

Retail Stores

These establishments utilize programs, just like our Free Swipes, to cut their credit card processing expenses down to almost “zero.” It is the wave of the future. Are you missing out?

Restaurants/Take-Out Establishments

Nobody pays higher credit card processing rates than these processing fee victims. By utilizing ZERO FEE CREDIT CARD PROCESSING, through our programs, restaurant owners can finally afford to eat out!

Auto Dealerships

Auto Dealers and Body Shops have long and unsuccessfully attempted to impose “cash only” policies to avoid credit fees. Especially with big ticket items, fees can take a big “bite” out of profits. But by using our Free Swipes program, we offer a major solution to this nagging problem.

Lawyers & Other Service Professionals

Why spend so many hours working for clients into the night, only to see your income depleted by credit card fees? With Free Swipes, professionals can collect invoices or deposits online with total security, and actually pass those annoying processing fees onto the customers. It works for every kind of self-employed professional, such as lawyers and accountants.

Medical Practitioners

The healthcare industry fights with insurance company providers just to get paid. Accepting credit cards just lowers income and collections when fees are deducted. Now doctors and dentists and other healthcare providers can collect co-pays, DME purchases, and treatment payments without killing profits by accepting credit card payments without processor fees deducted. Our Free Swipes is fantastic for chiropractors, dietitians, massage therapists, to name a few.


Gas, electric, and water companies now charge a “convenience overage fee” to customers who pay their bills over the phone or online with credit cards. You can do the same thing in your business! You can enormously minimize your credit processing fees and stop throwing away your profits!

Real Estate Owners and Managers

Are you a real estate manager or owner/investor? You can now, with Free Swipes, collect your rental payments with our Custom Program designed to making accepting rent and lease deposits with greater ease. And how does no deduction from your credit card payments for processing sound?

Start Saving Today!

Are you ready to Stop giving away your hard earned profits to your processor?
We would be happy to provide you with more information on our NO Fee Credit Card Processing and FREE Credit Card Processing

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